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シマヤ かつおだし 1kg (500gx2袋)



Introducing Shimaya Bonito Dashi 1kg, a cornerstone of Japanese culinary traditions. This dashi is meticulously crafted using high-quality ingredients such as Bonito Powder and Konbu Powder, ensuring a rich and authentic flavor profile. Whether you’re preparing traditional miso soup, ramen, or other Japanese delicacies, our dashi promises to elevate your culinary experience. At MAINDISH, we prioritize quality and authenticity, bringing you the essence of Japan right to your kitchen. Order now and experience the genuine taste of Japanese cuisine. Available for delivery in major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and more.

在庫 在庫切れ

カテゴリー: , 原産国
総重量 1 kg
寸法 17.5 × 9 × 9 cm
