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サクラ うどん乾麺 300g

225.00 110.00

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栄養成分(100gあたり): エネルギー358kcal、たんぱく質12g、総脂質1g 2%、炭水化物75g 25%、ナトリウム300mg 13%

Introducing our Udon Noodles Sakura, weighing 300g, a testament to the rich culinary heritage of Japan. Made with precision and care, these noodles offer a unique texture and flavor, making them a favorite for various dishes. Whether you’re preparing a traditional udon soup, a stir-fry, or experimenting with new recipes, our Sakura Udon Noodles promise to deliver an unparalleled dining experience. Buy udon from MAINDISH today and immerse yourself in the genuine flavors of Japanese cuisine.

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カテゴリー: , 商品タグ:
総重量 0.306 kg
寸法 22 × 8 × 2.8 cm
