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ゆでたこ 約160g-170g



Dive into the world of traditional Japanese seafood with our Boiled Octopus. Each piece is meticulously prepared, ensuring you savor the genuine essence of this delicacy. Known for its tender texture and savory taste, our tako is perfect for sushi, sashimi, and a variety of other dishes. With a nutritional profile boasting an energy of 99kcal per 100g, protein content of 21.7g, and minimal carbohydrates, it’s not only a treat for your taste buds but also a healthy choice. Whether you’re hosting a Japanese-themed dinner or simply craving some authentic flavors, our boiled octopus is the go-to choice. Buy tako from MAIN DISH today and relish the unmatched taste of this seafood delicacy.


栄養成分表示(100g当たり):エネルギー 99kcal, 水分 76.2g, タンパク質 21.7g, 脂質 0.7g, 炭水化物 0.1g, 灰分 1.3g, 食塩相当量 0.6g

●レシピ1 →→ たこの酢の物
●Recipe2 →→ たこ飯

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カテゴリー: , , 原産国