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いくら醤油漬け 100g



Discover the exquisite taste of our Ikura (Salmon Roe) 100g, a true representation of Japanese culinary excellence. Each grain of salmon roe is meticulously seasoned with soy sauce, sugar, and salt, ensuring a burst of flavor with every bite. With a nutritional profile boasting an energy of 272kcal per 100g, protein content of 32.6g, and fat of 15.6g, it’s not only a treat for your taste buds but also a nutritious choice. Whether you’re garnishing sushi, enhancing a bowl of rice, or simply enjoying it as is, our ikura promises an unparalleled taste experience. Buy ikura from MAINDISH today and dive into the world of authentic Japanese flavors.

栄養成分表示(100g):エネルギー272kcal, 水分48.4g, タンパク質32.6g, 脂質15.6g, 炭水化物0.2g, 灰分3.2g, 食塩相当量2.3g

原材料名: 鮭卵、醤油(醤油、砂糖、還元水飴、酵母エキス、昆布)

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- 100g